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Our 60 insurance businesses are specialized to serve your unique product, industry, and regional needs.

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Results 1-7 of 7
  • Berkley Crime, a division of Berkley Financial Specialists, provides crime related insurance products for commercial organizations, financial institutions and governmental entities for small to large companies.

    We are accessible through appointed retailers and wholesalers. If you are a retailer or wholesaler seeking an appointment or seeking the name of an appointed wholesaler in your region, please contact us at the above number.

  • Admiral Insurance Group is a leading provider of excess and surplus lines coverages to commercial risks that generally involve moderate to high degrees of hazard. We specialize in commercial Casualty and Professional Liability.

    Our products are available through appointed wholesale brokers only. Please visit for a list of our wholesale broker partners.

  • Berkley Accident and Health is a risk management leader specializing in accident and health insurance products. We help employers, health care organizations, and membership groups to better manage the cost of their accident and health programs.

    Our products are available in all 50 states through Berkley Accident and Health sales professionals. Please contact us or visit to find a representative near you.

  • Berkley Enterprise Risk Solutions provides custom workers compensation programs to large employers. We work closely with our policyholders and their brokers to implement plans that control the frequency and severity of employee injuries. Accounts must generate a minimum of $300,000 in annual workers compensation premium. We support exposures in all states, as long as California is the primary exposure state. We offer guaranteed cost and loss sensitive plans.

  • Berkley Product Protection provides recall, contamination, general liability and excess/umbrella insurance, as well as preemptive risk mitigation services coupled with 24/7 crisis support. We offer innovative insurance solutions for complex product risks with an expansive range of policy enhancements that can be fine-tuned to ensure clients have the appropriate coverage to meet their needs.

    Recall and contamination insurance are accessible to retail and wholesale brokers with a surplus lines license. We do not require appointment and are currently seeking new distribution partners nationwide.

    General liability and excess/umbrella insurance are primarily offered on an admitted basis and will require appointment.

  • Berkley Select specializes in delivering professional liability solutions to a broad range of individuals, businesses, professional service firms and nonprofit organizations.

    We are accessible through an established distribution network of retail and wholesale insurance professionals. Please contact us to inquire about an appointment or for the name of an appointed distributor in your region. We seek premium production commitments from our distribution partners.

  • Preferred Employers is a workers compensation insurance company serving California brokers and policyholders. Known for managing our own Medical Provider Network, we underwrite several industries, specialize in middle to large markets, provide risk management services and develop programs.

    Please contact Marc Beaulieu for more information on how to connect and succeed with Preferred Employers Insurance.